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Billede af bogen The Origins of Virtue. Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation

Senest opdateret 20. september

The Origins of Virtue. Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation

Af Matt Ridley

fra 1998 på forlaget Penguin

ISBN: 978-0-14-026445-0

Kategorier: Faglitteratur, Programming, Psykologi, Pædagogik, Videnskabsteori

pris: 60 kr – stand: ★★★★★

Vægt: 210 gram

A brilliant examination of man's most basic instinct - the desire for mutual aid and trust. "Of the many books that explore the consequence for humans of our evolutionary past, none is livelier, more interesting or more provocative than The Origins of Virtue." - James Q. Wilson, The Wall Street Journal

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