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Din søgning gav: 275 resultater
  1. Billede af bogen Badmen of the West

    Senest opdateret 29. maj

    Badmen of the West

    Af Robert Elman

    fra 1983 på forlaget Book Sales

    Kategorier: Amerika/USA, Folklore

    pris: 50 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 1200 gram

    Hardback med smudsomslag. 256 sider Chronicles in words and pictures the lives, exploits, and escapades of western outlaws from the late seventeenth century through the last half of the nineteenth century, and from the Mississippi to the Yukon Profusely illustrated with mainly B & W photographs and Illustrations.There are quite a few color illustrations which are double,full and part page and some are of artwork by some very famous Old West Artists.There has been a lot of research go into this excellent book which is really a reference, detailing all the well known and even many of the lesser known 250 or so Badmen (and Badwomen) of the Old West. The book consists of 12 Chapters; 1 Legend and Reality 2 America's First Badmen 3 Western Expansion 4 Wild Towns and Vigilantes 5 Lawlerss Lawmen 6 Gunfights and Feuds 7 The Range Wars 8 The Fort Smith Gallows 9 Some Bad Women 10 Border Clashes 11 A Rogue's Gallery 12 The Last Wild Frontiers The text is excellent and any fan of the history,events and characters of the Old West will certainly learn a lot of new and accurate information of the Old West as well as enjoying the many photographs and illustrations,many which they will have never been seen. All the illustrations are accompanied with excellent captions. This will be a book that anyone who reads Old West history ,be it fiction,legend or fact will want to keep on their bookshelf as a ready reference to characters,be they the the famous or lesser known. The end comes with a detailed Index.

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  2. Billede af bogen Årets fester - i det multikulturelle Danmark

    Senest opdateret 22. maj

    Årets fester - i det multikulturelle Danmark

    Af Carsten Lindgren

    1. udgave fra 2002 på forlaget Borgen

    ISBN: 87-21-019923-1

    Kategorier: Etik, Folklore, Kirkehistorie, Samfund & historie, Teologi, Øvrige

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Årets fester - i det multikulturelle Danmark. 244 sider. Illustreret hardback. Storformat B2129-4 - Pris ex forsendelse.

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  3. Billede af bogen Tigerens nat - Eventyr og fortællinger fra Tibet. (signeret)

    Senest opdateret 22. maj

    Tigerens nat - Eventyr og fortællinger fra Tibet. (signeret)

    Af Marie Thøger

    1. udgave fra 2001 på forlaget Arvids

    Oplag: 1

    ISBN: 8798795104

    Kategorier: Folklore, Mystik/eventyr

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 400 gram

    87 sider, illustreret i s/h af Birte Lund, heftet. Med dedikation og signatur fra forfatteren på smudstitelbladet. Rigtig fin stand.

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  4. Billede af bogen Julius’ fødselsdag og andre historier

    Senest opdateret 20. maj

    Julius’ fødselsdag og andre historier

    Af Søren Ryge Petersen

    2. udgave fra 2005 på forlaget Gyldendal - 5. oplag

    ISBN: 87-02-01309-6

    Kategorier: Biografier, Dokumentar, Folklore

    pris: 100 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Julius’ fødselsdag og andre historier -187s-Hardback. Her er historier om Anders og Julius, om Christian og Anna, om Jørgen og alle de andre Søren Ryge Petersen har mødt under sin daglige færden på Djursland. Der er både smuk, bevægende og ind i mellem morsom læsning. B2026-10-167 - ex fors. 505g

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  5. Billede af bogen The Westeners

    Senest opdateret 19. maj

    The Westeners

    Af Dee Brown

    fra 1974 på forlaget Michael Joseph

    Kategorier: Amerika/USA, Folklore

    pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 930 gram

    Hardback m smudsomslag. 288 sider. Short, 10-20 page fascinating histories of amazing episodes in Western History with excellent illustrations.. The Coronado expedition that "discovered" most of the Southwest, cattle drives, the gold rush, the turning of the war machine created in the Civil War to massacre the Plains Indians and much more. Dee Brown is most famous as the author of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, the history of the West from the Native American perspective. A wonderfully illustrated history of the American West & those who populated it. Chronicles early exploration up til the "true" end of the Cowboy era: the 1900s & the complete dispossession of the American Indian.

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  6. Billede af bogen The Vanishing Race

    Senest opdateret 19. maj

    The Vanishing Race

    Af Joseph K. Dixon

    fra 1972 på forlaget Popular Library Eagle Books Edition

    Kategorier: Amerika/USA, Folkeslag, Folklore, Samfund & historie

    pris: 45 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 240 gram

    Paperback, 231 sider, navn bagi. The Vanishing Race, the Last Great Indian Council: A Record in Picture and Story of the Last Great Indian Council. "The Vanishing Race" is a record in picture and story of the last great Indian council, participated in by eminent Indian chiefs from nearly every Indian reservation in the United States. This book also includes the story of their lives as told by themselves, their speeches and folklore tales, their solemn farewell, and the Indians' story of the Custer fight. Contents: Indian Imprints a Glimpse Backward The Story of the Chiefs Chief Plenty Coups Chief Red Whip Chief Timbo Chief Apache John Chief Running Bird Chief Brave Bear Chief Umapine Chief Tin-tin-meet-sa Chief Runs-the-enemy Chief Pretty Voice Eagle Folklore Tales—sioux Chief White Horse Folklore Tales—yankton Sioux Chief Bear Ghost Chief Running Fisher Bull Snake Mountain Chief Mountain Chief's Boyhood Sports Chief Red Cloud Chief Two Moons The Story of the Surviving Custer Scouts White-man-runs-him Folklore Tale—crow Hairy Moccasin Curly Goes-ahead-basuk-ore The Indians' Story of the Custer Fight The Last Great Indian Council Indian Impressions of the Last Great Council The Farewell of the Chiefs

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  7. Billede af bogen The saga of the buffalo

    Senest opdateret 19. maj

    The saga of the buffalo

    Af Cy Martin

    fra 1973 på forlaget Promontory Press

    Kategorier: Amerika/USA, Biologi, Folklore

    pris: 60 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 770 gram

    Hardback m smudsomslag. 183 sider. Flotte fotos og illustrationer. The Plains Indian revered the buffalo, for it was a gift from the Great Spirit, taken from the inside of Mother Earth herself. Accordingly, the Indian killed only as many buffalo as he needed, and wasted nothing: the huge beast furnished him with food, clothing, bed, lodge, utensils, and most of the decorative ornaments that brightened his life. The white man, however, viewed the buffalo as both an impediment to progress and a source of easy capital. Less then one-third of the curly cows he slaughtered were ever used for anything.

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  8. Billede af bogen The Book of the American West

    Senest opdateret 19. maj

    The Book of the American West

    Af Ramon F. Adams

    fra 1963 på forlaget Julian Messner Inc

    Kategorier: Amerika/USA, Folklore, Historie:Kultur

    pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 2120 gram

    Hardback m smudsomslag. 508 sider. Rigt illustreret med fotos og tegninger. På engelsk. Ten distinguished western authorities have brought together a masterful narritive of fact, legend and lore about the West ever assembled in one volume. Illustrated with drawings, paintings, documentary art, old prints, woodcuts and lithographs.

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  9. Billede af bogen Syv solstråler

    Senest opdateret 19. maj

    Syv solstråler

    Af Spanske folkeeventyr, Bente Skjøde

    1. udgave fra 1983 på forlaget Centrum

    Oplag: 1.

    Kategorier: Folklore, Fortællinger, Skønlitteratur

    pris: 50 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 226 gram

    Heftet. 112 sider. 17 eventyr.

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  10. Billede af bogen Pictorial History of The Wild West

    Senest opdateret 19. maj

    Pictorial History of The Wild West

    Af James D. Horan

    fra 1961 på forlaget Spring Books

    Oplag: 7.

    Kategorier: Amerika/USA, Folklore, Historie:Verden

    pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 1350 gram

    Hardback. Det illustrerede, gule smudsomslag mangler!! Så bogen Fremstår med blegrød indbinding og guldbogstaver på ryggen. A True Account of the Bad Men, Desperados, Rustlers, and Outlaws of the Old West- and the Men Who Fought Them to Establish Law and Order. This is a hard hitting, profusely illustrated history of the real, bloody and lawless Wild West, of the hardened criminals that populated it and of the lawmen that hunted them down. This is not the romanticised West presented in so many films, but the real thing. The criminals, men and women, are not heroes (nor even anti-heroes) but ruthless, venal, bloodthirsty, stupid, desperate and even, sometimes, pathetic. The lawmen are brave, certainly, but also mercenary and self-seeking in some cases. This book pulls no punches, and some of the photographs are downright chilling. As published in newspapers of the time, there is a portrait study of Jesse James, dead and laid out for his funeral; of Ned Christie, also dead, propped up against a photographer's board; of the entire Dalton gang, laid out on the sidewalk ready for the undertaker. We also have the grim history of the Old West's premier hangman, George Maledon. But there is far more to this book than a collection of gruesome images. Here are the stories of Wyatt Earp and the OK Corral, of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, of Annie Oakley and Belle Starr, and of many many others, all as told in the newspapers of the day, all illustrated with original photographs and sketches. Extraordinary and fascinating stuff. Highly recommended to anyone even moderately interested in the real story of the Wild West.

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