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Senest opdateret 14. august

Schooling and Scholars in Twentieth-Century Ontario

Af Houston, Susan E. and Alison Prentce

fra 1991 på forlaget OHSS Toronto - Ontario historical Studies Series

ISBN: 0-8020-5801-9

Kategorier: Engelsk, Historie:Kultur, Pædagogik, Samfund & historie, Undervisning

pris: 140 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 604 gram

418 sider. Pbk. Illustr. s/h. Explore the roots of the provincial public school system, set up to instill a work ethic and moral discipline appropriate to the new society, as well as the beginnings of separate schools. Today the Ontario school system again a subject for debate. Meget fint eks. (HRN)

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