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Billede af bogen Attachment Theory and Psychoanalysis

Senest opdateret 22. august

Attachment Theory and Psychoanalysis

Af Peter Fonagy

fra 2001-07-17 på forlaget Other Press, LLC

ISBN: 18-9274-670-0

Kategorier: Psykiatri, Psykologi

pris: 220 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 400 gram

A Bestseller Attachment Theory shows scientifically how our earliest relationships with our mothers influence our later relationships in life. This book offers an excellent introduction to the findings of attachment theory and the major schools of psychoanalytic thought. "The book every student, colleague, and even rival theoretician has been waiting for. With characteristic wit, philosophical sophistication, scholarship, humanity, incisiveness, and creativity, Fonagy succinctly describes the links, differences, and future directions of his twin themes. [His book] is destined to take its place as one of a select list of essential psychology books of the decade." -Jeremy Holmes, Senior Lecturer in Psychotherapy, University of Exeter "Extraordinary--an invaluable resource for developmental psychoanalysis." -Joy D. Osofsky, Professor, Louisiana State University

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