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Billede af bogen Becoming Visible. Women in European History

Senest opdateret 18. august

Becoming Visible. Women in European History

Af Bridenthal, Renate & Claudia Koonz (Eds.)

1pb. udgave fra 1977 på forlaget Houghton Mifflin Company

ISBN: 0395244773

Kategorier: Historie:Europa, Historie:Kultur

pris: 85 kr – stand: ★★★★★

Vægt: 660 gram

510 sider. Pbk. Illustr. s/h. The contacts between European women and those outside European frontiers, sexuality and its importance for the construction of gender over the centuries, and the role of women in the great events and movements in European history and the impact of such events Navn på friblad. (HRN)

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