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Senest opdateret 14. august

Lessons for Life. The Schooling of Girls and Women 1850-1950

Af Hunt, Felicity (Edited by)

1pb. udgave fra 1987 på forlaget Basil Blackwell

ISBN: 0-631-14975-9

Kategorier: Engelsk, Historie:Kultur, Samfund & historie, Undervisning

pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★

Vægt: 241 gram

224 sider. Paperback. Skolehistorie. A study of education and growing up, both inside and outside the school, considering the various ways in which girls and women received their education in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Indstregninger. Lidt solbleget på omslag. Navn på friblad. (HRN)

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