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  1. Billede af bogen Kindred Spirits

    Senest opdateret 14. maj

    Kindred Spirits

    Af Allen M. Schoen

    fra 2002 på forlaget Souvenir Press Ltd.

    ISBN: 978-0285-636-507

    Kategorier: Husdyr, Psykologi, Sundhed, Videnskabsteori

    pris: 165 kr – stand:

    Vægt: 560 gram

    How the remarkable bond between humans & animals can change the way we live. Treating animals just as any healer would treat human beings, Allen Schoen has become one of America’s most celebrated veterinarians. "Kindred Spirits" shares the transformative power of his remarkable methods, explores how alternative healing is revolutionizing his profession, and shares heartwarming stories of animals and their caretakers who have deeply enriched each other’s lives. Through moving scenes - such as an ailing German shepherd who fights to stay alive so he can assist and comfort his ailing human companion - Schoen details the ways in which the human-animal bond can provide a wellspring of love and support, and outlines his own special prescription for improving the care we give our animals through adopting simple healing practices at home. A remarkable new synthesis of science and spirit, Hardback - 266 pages. Language: English

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