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Billede af bogen Calculus Concepts and Contexts - Metric International Version

Senest opdateret 16. marts

Calculus Concepts and Contexts - Metric International Version

Af James Stewart

fra 2006 på forlaget Thomson Brooks/Cole

ISBN: 0-534-40983-0

Kategori: Matematik

pris: 220 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 2200 gram

James Stew­art has care­fully and com­pletely re­vised the best-selling cal­cu­lus text in North Amer­ica, re­tain­ing the focus on prob­lem solv­ing, the metic­u­lous ac­cu­racy, the pa­tient ex­pla­na­tions, and the care­fully graded prob­lems that have made this text work so well for a wide range of stu­dents. In the new edi­tion, Stew­art has in­creased his em­pha­sis on tech­nol­ogy and in­no­va­tion and has ex­panded his focus on prob­lem solv­ing and ap­pli­ca­tions. When writ­ing his pre­vi­ous edi­tions, Stew­art set out to bring some of the spirit of Polya to his pre­sen­ta­tion. This re­sulted in the ''strategy sections'' in the First Edi­tion and the ''Problems Plus'' and ''Applications Plus'' sec­tions in the Sec­ond Edi­tion. Now in the Third Edi­tion, he ex­tends the idea fur­ther with a new sec­tion on ''Principles of Prob­lem Solving'' and new ex­tended ex­am­ples in the ''Problems Plus'' and Ap­pli­ca­tions Plus'' sec­tions. Stew­art makes a se­ri­ous at­tempt to help stu­dents rea­son math­e­mat­i­cally.

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