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Billede af bogen Living with Modern Classics: The Chair

Senest opdateret 28. februar

Living with Modern Classics: The Chair

Af Elizabeth Wilhide

Kategorier: Arkitektur, Bolig, Design, Hus & have

pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 800 gram

Indbundet, 80 sider. Ny og ubrugt. Showcases some 40 chairs that have become 20th-century classics, featuring only items that are still in production, and offers an introduction to their designers and to the designers' other work. Chairs are shown in color in stylish contemporary interiors. Includes a source list of retailers and suppliers. Wilhide is author and co-author of many books on interior design. Photographer Andrew Wood specializes in interiors and fashion.

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