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Billede af bogen The Art of Jewelry Design

Senest opdateret 6. februar

The Art of Jewelry Design

Af Deborah Krupenia

fra 1997 på forlaget Rockport Pub

ISBN: 15-6496-192-3

pris: 95 kr – stand: ★★★★★

Vægt: 900 gram

The Art of Jewelry Design describes in detail the designs, techniques, and creative methods of many talented production artists working today. This practical and beautifully illustrated guide includes both modern and traditional styles, and features such noted designers as Thomas Mann, Lorelei Hamm, John Iversen, Didi Suydam, Abrasha, plus many more. Sections are divided by essays on the challenges of designing in precious metals, with color, with alternative materials, and from nature. An international list of galleries and craft shows completes the book.

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