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Senest opdateret 13. november

The Big Trip - Guide to Gap Years, sabbaticals and overseas adventures

Af Lonely Planet

pris: 115 kr – stand: ★★★★★

Vægt: 715 gram

Bogen er på engelsk og genial for backpackere, som kan spare mange ærgrelser ved som forberedelse til den store rejse ud i verden at læse denne bog: So, you want to experience the ultimate overseas adventure? Whether you're a gap year student or young traveller, taking a sabbatical or career break, a parent or guardian wanting to travel with your children, or in retirement and looking for your next adventure - The Big Trip is for you. Advice and information in this comprehensive companion, now in its 4th edition, has been thoroughly revised and updated to include expert tips and recommendations that will help you create and enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime dream adventure abroad. We've also added a new section about how to use your time away to turn your life's passion into a new career, with advice on gaining professional accreditation in climbing, mountaineering, diving, sailing, snowsports, wildlife guiding and more. There's also a chapter on accessible travel by Martin Heng for specialist destination and travel advice for those with a disability. Improved accommodation advice now covers everything from cheap and cheerful digs for budget backpackers to higher-end hotels for those wishing to spend more. Essential pre-trip planning: health, safety, kit, costs, tickets (new tips such as five apps to keep you safe, nine best ways to save on air tickets online). Volunteering and working abroad: from freelancing and fruit picking to yacht-crewing and teaching. Regional overviews, maps and a diverse range of road-tested itineraries. Tips and stories from experts and travellers, who range from teenagers to seniors and those travelling with their kids. Frikøbt biblioteksbog, indbundet og i pæn stand.

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