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Billede af bogen A Day in New York

Senest opdateret 17. september

A Day in New York

Af André Fichte

fra 2005 på forlaget Edel Italy

ISBN: 39-3740-642-5

pris: 60 kr – stand: ★★★★★

Book and 4 CDs. Lifestyle, fashion and sightseeing in New York -- a day in pictures and music is one of the world's most impressive cities. Beginning at six in the morning by the Brooklyn Bridge, the book leads the way clear across Manhattan: shopping, à la 'Sex and the City', tourist attractions; visits to museums and to the metropolis' popular restaurants and clubs. The day ends where it began, with a fascinating view of the night skyline in the most exciting city in the world. The CDs feature music which accompanies us through the day and is directly from the simmering talent factories.

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