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Billede af bogen Black Hat Go

Senest opdateret 20. maj

Black Hat Go

Af Tom Steele, Chris Patten, Dan Kottmann

fra 2020 på forlaget No Starch Press

ISBN: 15-9327-865-9

pris: 220 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 700 gram

Like the best-selling Black Hat Python, Black Hat Go explores the darker side of the popular Go programming language. This collection of short scripts will help you test your systems, build and automate tools to fit your needs, and improve your offensive security skillset. Black Hat Go explores the darker side of Go, the popular programming language revered by hackers for its simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. It provides an arsenal of practical tactics from the perspective of security practitioners and hackers to help you test your systems, build and automate tools to fit your needs, and improve your offensive security skillset, all using the power of Go. You'll begin your journey with a basic overview of Go's syntax and philosophy and then start to explore examples that you can leverage for tool development, including common network protocols like HTTP, DNS, and SMB. You'll then dig into various tactics and problems that penetration testers encounter, addressing things like data pilfering, packet sniffing, and exploit development. You'll create dynamic, pluggable tools before diving into cryptography, attacking Microsoft Windows, and implementing steganography. You'll learn how to: Make performant tools that can be used for your own security projects Create usable tools that interact with remote APIs Scrape arbitrary HTML data Use Go's standard package, net/http, for building HTTP servers Write your own DNS server and proxy Use DNS tunneling to establish a C2 channel out of a restrictive network Create a vulnerability fuzzer to discover an application's security weaknesses Use plug-ins and extensions to future-proof productsBuild an RC2 symmetric-key brute-forcer Implant data within a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image. Are you ready to add to your arsenal of security tools? Then let's Go!

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