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Billede af bogen A Collection of Technical Formulae

Senest opdateret 8. september

A Collection of Technical Formulae

Af K. + R. Gieck

fra 1996 på forlaget Gieck Verlag – 8th enlarged and revised edition

ISBN: 3-920379-22-5

Kategorier: Faglitteratur, Matematik, Studiebøger

pris: 495 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 505 gram

A Collection of Technical Formulae - Hardback - Sprog: Engelsk. Provides a guide to the more important technical and mathematical formulae in the following fields: units, areas, solid bodies, arithmetic, functions of a circle, analytical geometry, statistics, calculus, differential equations, statics, kinematics, dynamics, hydraulics, heat, strength, machine parts, production engineering, electrical engineering, control engineering, chemistry, radiation physics. - Pris ex forsendelse -B1733 –01-10500

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