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Senest opdateret 17. august

The Bonfire of the Vanities

Af Tom Wolfe

på forlaget Picador

Kategori: Romaner

pris: 95 kr – stand: ★★★★

Vægt: 455 gram

Romanen er på engelsk og handler om ambitioner, racisme, politik, socialklasser og grådighed i 1980'ernes New York: The novel was originally conceived as a serial in the style of Charles Dickens' writings: it ran in 27 installments in Rolling Stone starting in 1984. Wolfe heavily revised it before it was published in book form. The novel was a bestseller and a phenomenal success. It has often been called the quintessential novel of the 1980s, and in 1990 was adapted into a critically maligned film of the same name by Brian De Palma.

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