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Billede af bogen North American Indians (English)

Senest opdateret 4. august

North American Indians (English)

Af Andrew Haslam

fra 1997 på forlaget World Book Inc.

ISBN: 15-8728-301-8

Kategorier: Amerika/USA, Antropologi, Samfund & historie

pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★

Vægt: 272 gram

Language ‏ : ‎ English Describes how the Native Americans lived before the European settlers arrived, and demonstrates a variety of Indian crafts and skills. Provides instructions for making models of things used by indigenous peoples of North America throughout the development of their thousand-year-old civilization. Series: Make it Work! History. 64 pages, Illustrated, 22.86 x 1.91 x 27.94 cm #

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