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Billede af bogen World War II Jungle Warfare Tactics

Senest opdateret 6. januar

World War II Jungle Warfare Tactics

Af Dr. Stephen Bull

fra 2007 på forlaget Osprey Publishing Ltd.

ISBN: 978-1-84603-069-7

Kategori: Anden verdenskrig

pris: 80 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 215 gram

This book describes and illustrates, in fascinating detail, the slow and painful learning curve followed the Allies in the mid-war years as they attempted to end the Japanese stranglehold on the Pacific theatre. Based on actual wartime training documents and front-linememoirs, it shows how the British, Australian and US armies transformed their tactics, attitudes and equipment to master the art of jungle warfare. In 1944-45 the Allies finally conquered the jungle environment, exploiting their new strengths and their enemy’s weaknesses, to win crushing victories in Burma and on the Pacific islands. 64 sider i formatet 18,5 x 25 cm.

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