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Billede af bogen World War II Infantry Assault Tactics

Senest opdateret 6. januar

World War II Infantry Assault Tactics

Af Gordon L Rottman

fra 2008 på forlaget Osprey Publishing Ltd.

ISBN: 978-1-84603-191-5

Kategori: Anden verdenskrig

pris: 75 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 218 gram

This book, by a professional infantryman of long experience, explains and illustrates exactly how infantry assaults were made by the main combatant armies of World War II. It describes the planning and preparations: the range of obstacles and defences likely to be found on the enemy objective, the tools and methods for overcoming obstacles and fortifications - with particular emphasis on the combat engineers who often led such assaults; the weapons employed and national differences in doctrine and practice. It is illustrated with photographs, diagrams and colour reconstructions of tactical scenarios and combat equipment. 64 sider i formatet 18,5 x 25 cm.

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