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Billede af bogen Greek Pottery

Senest opdateret 31. oktober

Greek Pottery

Af Brian A. Sparkes

2. udgave fra 1994 på forlaget Manchester University Press

Oplag: 1

ISBN: 07-1902-936-8

pris: 220 kr – stand: ★★★★★

Vægt: 340 gram

This work deals with classical Greek pottery from a number of points of view - technique, period, place of production, function, shape, decoration and distribution. The book places an emphasis on the every-day uses of Greek pottery - as containers for water, wine, fish, honey and olives, for example - and does not treat it as art. The author explains the importance of clay as a fundamental natural resource in the lives of the ancient Greeks, stressing its versatility as a container in varying conditions of heat and cold. The book aims to offer a broad picture of Greek pottery that gives an idea of its variety and importance without dwelling too heavily upon the high-quality figured vases.

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