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Billede af bogen The Life and Times of Charles Dickens

Senest opdateret 15. september

The Life and Times of Charles Dickens

Af Alan S Watts

fra 1991 på forlaget Crescent

Kategorier: Biografier, Engelsk

pris: 110 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 1000 gram

A marvelous, out of print, illustrated biography of Charles Dickens, well-reviewed & hard to find. This 144 page book is divided into three main periods, his early, middle & late life & also covers the outstanding events of his times as well as a synthesis of each of his 15 major novels, Christmas books & travel writings. It's an over-sized book, 9" x 12" and beautifully illustrated throughout in color & black & white photographs, including stills from theater & film productions, paintings, prints, engravings, antique collectibles & a variety of his book illustrations, including sketches by the famous"Phiz",(H.K. Browne), Cruickshank, Barnard, & more. The images highlight the text showing the depth of Dickens' compassion, satire & imagination bringing alive his larger than life characters & the wealth & contrasting poverty of the period. The book is fast paced & a pleasure to read, written by Alan Watts, President of the Dickens fellowship, who has written three other books on Dickens. His vast knowledge conveys his love of Dickens & all his writings.

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