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Billede af bogen The Golden Notebook

Senest opdateret 22. oktober

The Golden Notebook

Af Doris Lessing

fra 2008-10-14 på forlaget Harper Collins

ISBN: 00-6158-248-4

pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★

Vægt: 612 gram

Anna is a writer, author of one very successful novel, who now keeps four notebooks. In one, with a black cover, she reviews the African experience of her earlier years. In a red one she records her political life, her disillusionment with communism. In a yellow one she writes a novel in which the heroine relives part of her own experience. And in a blue one she keeps a personal diary. Finally, in love with an American writer and threatened with insanity, Anna resolves to bring the threads of all four books together in a golden notebook. Doris Lessing's best-known and most influential novel, The Golden Notebook retains its extraordinary power and relevance decades after its initial publication.

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