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Billede af bogen Bravo, Mr. William Shakespeare!

Senest opdateret 28. juli

Bravo, Mr. William Shakespeare!

Af Marcia Williams

fra 2000 på forlaget Candlewick Press

ISBN: 0-7636-1209-x

Kategorier: Billedbøger, Drama, Skuespil, Skønlitteratur, Teater, Tegneserier

pris: 150 kr – stand: ★★★★★

Vægt: 393 gram

Hardcover Seven classic Shakespeare plays presented in an accessible comic strip format. The author of Tales from Shakespeare presents the stories of seven Shakespeare plays by including actual dialogue in the illustrations, summarizing the plots in picture captions, and showing the comments and actions of audience members on the sides and bottom of the pages. 36 pages, illustrated in color

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