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Billede af bogen Royal Scots Greys

Senest opdateret 22. juli

Royal Scots Greys

Af Text by Charles Grant. Colour plates by Michael Youens

fra 1972

Kategori: Militaria

pris: 65 kr – stand: ★★★★★

Vægt: 250 gram

40 sider, ill, hft. (Men-at-arms series) - The Royal Scots Greys began life as three troops of dragoons; this meant that while mounted as cavalry, their armament was closer to that used by infantry units. Troopers were equipped with matchlock muskets, sergeants and corporals with halberds and pistols; only the officers carried swords, though Lieutenants were armed with a partisan.[3] The original uniform called for the troopers to wear grey coats, but there is no record of any requirement that the horses be a particular colour.

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