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Billede af bogen The Gulf Family. Kinship Policies and Modernity. SOAS Middle East Issues

Senest opdateret 17. september

The Gulf Family. Kinship Policies and Modernity. SOAS Middle East Issues

Af Alsharekh, Alnoud (edited by)

1. udgave fra 2007 på forlaget SAQI

ISBN: 978-0-86356-680-6

Kategorier: Antologier, Historie:Verden, Mellemøsten, Politik, Samfund & historie, Økonomi

pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 225 gram

198 sider. Paperback. The contributors in The Gulf Family examine the paradox of the persisting importance of family and tribe in the face of modernization. They evaluate past and present roles of kinship in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) states, assess the impacts of change, and speculate on li

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