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    Senest opdateret 18. april

    Hafnia. Copenhagen Papers in the History of Art 1981

    Af Mirjam Gelfer-Jørgensen (editor)

    1. udgave fra 1981 på forlaget University of Copenhagen, Institute of Art History

    ISBN: 87-423-0397-4

    pris: 135 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Large format (29,5 x 19,5 cm), 146 pp., soft cover, with numerous b/w illustrations and photographs. A periodical published every other year. Text in English and German. Content: Bettina von Meyenburg: Von der Weibermacht zur femme fatale bei Johann Heinrich Füssli; Erik Mortensen: Eine arabische Familie in Kopenhagen; Hanne Honnens de Lichtenberg: Some Netherlandish artists employed by Frederik II; Øystein Hjort: The First Portrait of St Benedict? Another look at the frescoes of Sant'Ermete in Rome and the development of a 12th-century facial type; Søren Kaspersen: Majestas Domini - Regnum et Sacerdotium. Zu Entstehung und Leben des Motivs bis zum Investiturstreit.

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