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Din søgning gav: 14 resultater
  1. Billede af bogen A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Fourth Edition

    Senest opdateret 30. september

    A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Fourth Edition

    Af Alan C. Acock

    4. udgave fra 2014-04-18 på forlaget Stata Press

    ISBN: 15-9718-142-0

    pris: 220 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Fourth Edition is for people who need to learn Stata but who may not have a strong background in statistics or prior experience with statistical software packages. After working through this book, you will be able to enter, build, and manage a dataset, and perform fundamental statistical analyses. This book is organized like the unfolding of a research project. You begin by learning how to enter and manage data and how to do basic descriptive statistics and graphical analysis. Then you learn how to perform standard statistical procedures from t tests, nonparametric tests, and measures of association through ANOVA, multiple regression, and logistic regression. Readers who have experience with another statistical package may benefit more by reading chapters selectively and referring to this book as needed. The fourth edition has incorporated numerous changes that were new with Stata 13. Coverage of the marginsplot command has expanded. This simplifies the construction of compelling graphs. There is a new chapter showing how to estimate path models using the sem (structural equation modeling) command. Menus have been updated, and several minor changes and corrections have been included based on suggestions from readers. ubrugt

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  2. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 30. september


    Af Barbara Fischer-Hansen, Ann Kledal

    4. udgave fra 2010

    ISBN: 87-7607-311-4

    pris: 320 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Dansk grammatik til udlændinge

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  3. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 30. september

    data analytics for accounting

    Af Vern Richardson, Ryan Teeter, Katie Terrell

    3. udgave fra 2023 på forlaget Mcgraw hill

    ISBN: 978-1-264-44490-8

    pris: 820 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    ikke brugt, helt ny bog købt i USA.

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  4. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 30. september

    International Project Management

    Af Kathrin Köster

    1. udgave fra 2013 på forlaget Sage publications

    ISBN: 978-1-4129-4620-9

    pris: 220 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    En side med markering fra highlighter ellers står som ny

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  5. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 30. september

    Economics of Strategy

    Af David Besanko, David Dranove, Mark Stanley, Scott Schaefer

    7. udgave fra 2017 på forlaget Wiley Custom

    ISBN: 978-1119378761

    pris: 320 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    Vægt: 964 gram

    Købt i USA, skal ikke brug bogen til uddannelsen alligevel. Der er få sider med lidt markering med highlighter (sidder 282-285). Ellers står bogen urørt og ny

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  6. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 30. september

    Spis dig til en vellykket graviditet

    Af Zita West

    ISBN: 87-7230-744-7

    pris: 170 kr – stand: ★★★★

    Spis dig gravid opskrifter og info omkring mad og kemi i forhold til at blive gravid

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  7. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 30. september

    the global Economy and Its Economic Systems

    Af Paul R. Gregory og Robert C. Stuart

    fra 2014 på forlaget Engage Learning

    ISBN: 978-1-285-16701-5

    pris: 220 kr – stand: ★★★★

    ***International Edition*** Den er brugt med lidt markering fra highlighter

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  8. Billede af bogen Human Resource Management

    Senest opdateret 30. september

    Human Resource Management

    Af John Storey

    fra 2007 på forlaget Cengage Learning

    ISBN: 18-4480-615-4

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★

    In this latest edition of Human Resource Management - A Critical Text, John Storey has brought together leading authorities in the field to provide critical coverage of contemporary and emerging issues in HRM. It builds on the seminal work first published in 1989. The new text contains fully revised and up-to-date chapters from the original contributors while also offering new chapters on electronic HRM, agility and scalability and international staffing. As a result, current debates about the nature and significance of HRM are developed and the volume once again offers the leading in-depth critical analysis of the field. The international team of expert contributors provides an authoritative, critical and original account of contemporary HRM. The book is ideal for advanced management students on a variety of courses. ***Markering med highlighter***

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  9. Billede af bogen Danish Business Law

    Senest opdateret 30. september

    Danish Business Law

    Af Bent Iversen, Lars Lindencrone Petersen

    fra 2015 på forlaget Djoef Publishing

    ISBN: 87-5743-211-2

    pris: 220 kr – stand: ★★

    This book provides a general introduction to a number of central areas in Danish business law. The book is an English language translation of the fifth edition of a Danish textbook. The translation will enable readers to get a reasonably broad insight into various parts of Danish law of particular relevance to the business community. It comprises both areas of purely national (Danish) law and areas in which an international influence has affected the Danish legal position. Highlight markering på sidder 33-173 og 201, 208, 209, 251

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  10. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 30. september


    Af Jeffrey M. Perloff

    7. udgave fra 2016 på forlaget Pearson Education Limited

    ISBN: 978-1-292-05653-1

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★

    ***Global Edition*** Har kun læst det først 9 kapitler (er nogen sidder med markering med highlighter)

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