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Billede af bogen Human Resource Management

Senest opdateret 30. september

Human Resource Management

Af John Storey

fra 2007 på forlaget Cengage Learning

ISBN: 18-4480-615-4

pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★

In this latest edition of Human Resource Management - A Critical Text, John Storey has brought together leading authorities in the field to provide critical coverage of contemporary and emerging issues in HRM. It builds on the seminal work first published in 1989. The new text contains fully revised and up-to-date chapters from the original contributors while also offering new chapters on electronic HRM, agility and scalability and international staffing. As a result, current debates about the nature and significance of HRM are developed and the volume once again offers the leading in-depth critical analysis of the field. The international team of expert contributors provides an authoritative, critical and original account of contemporary HRM. The book is ideal for advanced management students on a variety of courses. ***Markering med highlighter***

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