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  1. Billede af bogen Shiatsu for Dogs

    Senest opdateret 13. august

    Shiatsu for Dogs

    Af Pamela Hannay

    fra 1998 på forlaget J.A. Allen & Co. Ltd

    ISBN: 978-0851-317-106

    Kategorier: Husdyr, Sundhed

    pris: 115 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 100 gram

    The author has been developing shiatsu techniques for dogs since 1982, when a friend asked her to help her elderly dog with his pain during his last days. Since then she has worked with hip degenerative problems, arthritis, problems associated with old age, and attitude problems. Her focus is to teach people techniques to use on their own dogs. The Shiatsu techniques in this book have been chosen for their simplicity, effectiveness and fun. They will benefit all dogs. The book is essential reading for all dog owners who wish to have a closer and happier relationship with their canine companions. SHIATSU reduces the tension of muscles, tendons and ligaments, Allows better elimination of metabolic waste after exercise. Improves blood and lymph circulation and the respiratory system. Increases the stress resistance of anxious dogs and revitalizes physically or morally tired dogs. Hæftet - 24 sider. Sprog: Engelsk.

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