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  1. Billede af bogen An Intellectual History of Psychology

    Senest opdateret 12. juni

    An Intellectual History of Psychology

    Af Daniel N. Robinson

    fra 1981 på forlaget Macmillan, New York

    Kategorier: Engelsk, Psykologi

    pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 880 gram

    484 p. Hardback ed. - Daniel N. Robinson demonstrates that from the dawn of rigorous and self-critical inquiry in ancient Greece, reflections about human nature have been inextricably linked to the cultures from which they arose, and each definable historical age has added its own character and tone to this long tradition. An Intellectual History of Psychology not only explores the most significant ideas about human nature from ancient to modern times, but also examines the broader social and scientific contexts in which these concepts were articulated and defended. Robinson treats each epoch, whether ancient Greece or Renaissance Florence or Enlightenment France, in its own terms, revealing the problems that dominated the age and engaged the energies of leading thinkers. Robinson also explores the abiding tension between humanistic and scientific perspectives, assessing the most convincing positions on each side of the debate. Invaluable as a text for students and as a stimulating and insightful overview for scholars and practicing psychologists, this volume can be read either as a history of psychology in both its philosophical and aspiring scientific periods or as a concise history of Western philosophys concepts of human nature. - Robinson does not follow the usual conventions of celebrating one great man after another in chronological order but instead follows the development of ideas as they provide alternative perspectives on the nature of mind. Hence, the reader is carried along on a genuine intellectual adventure.Ernest R. Hilgard, professor emeritus of psychology, Stanford University

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  2. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 25. august

    Lonely Planet - Borneo

    Af Daniel Robinson

    fra 2013 på forlaget Lonely Planet

    Kategori: Øvrige

    pris: 125 kr – stand: ★★★★

    Sideantal: 335
    Indbinding: Softcover

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