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  1. Billede af bogen You're a Brick Angela!  The Girls Story 1939-1985. ( Engelsk pige-litteratur historie)

    Senest opdateret 25. maj

    You're a Brick Angela! The Girls Story 1939-1985. ( Engelsk pige-litteratur historie)

    Af Cadogan, May & Paticia Craig

    fra 1986 på forlaget Gollancz Paperback

    Oplag: 1

    ISBN: 0-575-03825-x

    Kategorier: Engelsk, Historie:Kultur, Litteraturhistorie, Samfund & historie

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    Vægt: 450 gram

    405 sider. Orig paperback. illustr. s/h. Mary Cadogan, who has died aged 86, was a literary historian, chronicling the history of children's books, romantic and detective fiction and many other aspects of the popular culture of the last two centuries. A writer, critic and broadcaster, she was a passionate advocate for the pleasures of times past, who delighted in passing on her love of writers and their work, as if sitting beside the reader and sharing some much-thumbed book or comic that had amused her, thrilled her or caught and excited her imagination. Cadogan's literary career was triggered by a chance meeting in the mid-70s with the Belfast-born writer Patricia Craig, with whom she shared an interest in the school-story genre. This resulted, in 1976, in their collaborating on You're a Brick, Angela!, a review of girls' books between 1839 and 1975, spanning a wide spectrum of writings, from the moral and improving tales of the Victorians, via school adventures and comic papers, to the novels of Joan Aiken, Nina Bawden and others. Thoroughly researched, filled with sharp observations and, above all, wittily written, the book garnered wide critical praise and swiftly became (and has remained) a standard text.. Meget fint eksemplar. (Samling HRN)

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