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Din søgning gav: 91 resultater
  1. Billede af bogen Conversations with Myself

    Senest opdateret 16. februar

    Conversations with Myself

    Af Nelson Mandela

    fra 2010 på forlaget MacMillan

    ISBN: 02-3074-901-1

    Kategori: Biografier

    pris: 170 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 1 gram

    Conversations With Myself is a moving collection of letters, diary entries and other writing that provides a rare chance to see the other side of Nelson Mandela's life, in his own voice: direct, clear, private. An international bestseller, Conversations With Myself is an intensely personal book that complements his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom.In his foreword to Nelson Mandela's book, President Barack Obama writes: 'Conversations With Myself does the world an extraordinary service in giving us [a] picture of Mandela the man.'Conversations With Myself gives readers insight to the darkest hours of Nelson Mandela's twenty-seven years of imprisonment and his troubled dreams in his cell on Robben Island. It contains the draft of an unfinished sequel to Long Walk to Freedom, notes from Madiba's famous speeches, and even doodles made during meetings. There are photos from his life, journals written while on the run during the anti-apartheid struggles of the early 1960s, and conversations with friends in almost 70 hours of recorded interviews. An intimate journey from the first stirrings of his political conscience to his galvanizing role on the world stage, Conversations With Myself is an extraordinary glimpse of the man behind one of the world's most beloved public figures.'More revealing of the man than his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom - and in many respects more moving as well' F.W. De Klerk'A book that breaks the heart and then makes it sing' Andrew Rawnsley, Observer Books of the Year'Intensely moving, raw and unmediated, told in real time with all the changes in perspective that brings, over the years, mixing the prosaic with the momentous. Health concerns, dreams, political initiatives spill out together, to provide the fullest picture yet of Mandela.' Peter Godwin, Observer

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  2. Billede af bogen The Children's Book

    Senest opdateret 15. februar

    The Children's Book

    Af Antonia Susan Byatt

    fra 2010 på forlaget Random House

    ISBN: 00-9953-545-9

    Kategori: Skønlitteratur

    pris: 90 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 400 gram

    A tale spanning the end of the Victorian era through World War I finds famous children's book author Olive Wellwood taking in a runaway and exposing the boy to dark truths about her family's summer bacchanals at their rambling country house.

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  3. Billede af bogen The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

    Senest opdateret 15. februar

    The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

    Af David Wroblewski

    fra 2009 på forlaget HarperCollins UK

    ISBN: 00-0731-075-7

    pris: 90 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 300 gram

    A tale reminiscent of "Hamlet" that also celebrates the alliance between humans and dogs follows speech-disabled Wisconsin youth Edgar, who bonds with three yearling canines and struggles to prove that his sinister uncle is responsible for his father's death.

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  4. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 4. april

    21 ting du bør vide om det 21. århundrede

    Af Yuval Noah Harari

    ISBN: 87-1190-001-6

    Kategori: Samfundsvidenskab

    pris: 210 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 700 gram

    Yuval Noah Harari udforsker i denne nervepirrende bog 21 aktuelle emner. Han undersøger, hvordan man som kollektiv og som individ kan forstå og håndtere nutidens konstante og forvirrende forandringer. Hvordan kan vi beskytte os mod atomkrig, naturkatastrofer og ny teknologi? Hvad kan vi gøre ved fake news-epidemien eller terrortruslen?12 Bogen “21 ting du bør vide om det 21. århundrede” giver indsigt i de udfordringer og forandringer, vi står over for i dette århundrede. Fra teknologiske fremskridt til globale kriser, Harari udforsker det hele og stiller spørgsmål, der får os til at reflektere over vores tid og vores fremtid.

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  5. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 4. april

    The Structures of History

    Af Christopher Loyd

    fra 1993 på forlaget Blackwell

    ISBN: 0-631-18465-1

    Kategori: Samfund & historie

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 500 gram

    In The Structures of History Christopher Lloyd questions whether narration on its own can provide a real understanding of history, and addresses in philosophical and practical terms the fundamental problems of whether it is possible to know and to explain the history of human societies, and if so how these tasks might be approached. The book revolves around an inquiry into the general nature of historical structures, how these have been studied by historians, anthropologists, sociologists and philosophers, and how they relate to events, actions and beliefs. The author draws upon a wide range of reference in the philosophy of history and science, and in the writings of historians and social scientists during the last two centuries. The thrust of his account is against the relativism of such as Rorty, Foucault and Derrida, and for the complex socio-historical realism exemplified in the writings of Geertz, Gellner, Ladurie and Mann. Christopher Lloyd concludes that an objective understanding of the past is not an impossible ambition, and he provides a searching analysis of the framework and methods necessary to its realization.

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  6. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 4. april

    The Art of Travel

    Af Alain de Botton

    fra 2014 på forlaget Penguin Books

    ISBN: 978-0-241-97006-5

    Kategori: Rejsebøger/guides

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 250 gram

    The Art of Travel is a philosophical look at the ubiquitous but peculiar activity of travelling ‘for pleasure’, with thoughts on airports, landscapes, museums, holiday romances, photographs, exotic carpets and the contents of hotel mini-bars. The book mixes personal thought with insights drawn from some of the great figures of the past. Unlike existing guidebooks on travel, it dares to ask what the point of travel might be – and modestly suggests how we could learn to be less silently and guiltily miserable on our journeys.

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  7. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 4. april

    Science Communication in Theory and Practice

    Af Susan, M. Stocklmayer, Michael M. Gore, Chris Bryant

    fra 2001 på forlaget Kluwer Avademic Publiahers

    ISBN: 1-4020-0131-2

    Kategori: Kommunikation

    pris: 370 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 500 gram

    Hereafter you will find a first: a comprehensive textbook on the communication of sciencein theory and practice! Is there a need for such a textbook? Obviously, yes! Whether you are a scientist, a science journalist, a science teacher, a science museum specialist, a scientific website designer, a science historian, a science entertainer, a member of a scientific society or club, a science tinkerer - there is always a chance that you will be enthusiastic about the job of communicating science, but uncertain about whether you do it well. This book exposes you to the practices of others by reviewing science communication case studies or by inviting you to plunge into the underlying rationale of theoretical approaches to science communication. These are different opportunities for comparing your experience with the practices or reflections of others. The conversation can even be established and furthered with the authors of some of these case studies or of the theories presented in this book by using their website and possibly their email addresses. This book, like a composite, gathers contributions from experts from most of the above mentioned fields. A lot of practices are discussed and they are among the very best practices according to common professional wisdom in the field. Those practices are also reflected upon in an attempt to be somewhat theoretical.

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  8. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 4. april

    Hvordan organisationer fungerer

    Af Dag Ingvar Jacobsen & Jan Thorsvik

    fra 2002Hans Reitzels Forlag

    ISBN: 87-412-2475-2

    Kategorier: Ledelse & Management, Organisation

    pris: 250 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 900 gram

    n indføring i organisation og ledelse. En af de mest anvendte lærebøger i organisationsteori i Skandinavien. Bogen giver en grundig indføring i centrale temaer og perspektiver inden for emnet. Teksten er spækket med eksempler, og der lægges vægt på at stimulere læseren til at reflektere over egne erfaringer med udgangspunkt i teorien. Hvordan organisationer fungerer henvender sig først og fremmest til studerende og undervisere på højere videregående uddannelser, herunder Handelshøjskoler og de samfundsvidenskabelige uddannelser på universiteterne. I denne 4. udgave er der lagt særlig vægt på at opdatere det faglige indhold med ny forskning i, hvilke konsekvenser IKT og digitalisering har for moderne organisationer. Det er et felt, som er let at fare vild i, og det er derfor så meget desto vigtigere at skelne mellem det, der er forsknings- og evidensbaseret, og det, der er ”hype”. Globalisering er også blevet mere central i denne nye udgave af bogen, fordi forskning viser, hvordan virksomheder bliver stadig mere knyttet sammen globalt via udviklingen af informations- og kommunikationsteknologi. Oversat fra norsk efter Hvordan organisasjoner fungerer - Innføring i organisation og ledelse af Stig W. Jørgensen.

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  9. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 4. april

    A delicate truth

    Af John Le Carre

    fra 2014 på forlaget Penguin Books

    ISBN: 978-0-241-96519-1

    pris: 90 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 250 gram

    Gibraltar, 2008. A counter-terror operation, codenamed Wildlife, is being mounted in Britain's most precious colony. Its purpose: to capture and abduct a high-value jihadist arms-buyer. Its authors: an ambitious Foreign Office Minister, and a private defence contractor who is also his close friend. So delicate is the operation that even the Minister's private secretary, Toby Bell, is not cleared for it. Cornwall, UK, 2011. A disgraced Special Forces soldier delivers a message from the dead. Was Operation Wildlife the success it was cracked up to be - or a human tragedy that was ruthlessly covered up? Summoned by Sir Christopher Probyn, retired British diplomat, to his decaying Cornish manor house, and closely observed by Kit's beautiful daughter, Emily, Toby must choose between his conscience and duty to his Service. If the only thing necessary to the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, how can he keep silent?

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  10. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 8. marts


    Af Pascal Mercier, Peter Bieri

    fra 2009

    ISBN: 87-7973-387-5

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 300 gram

    Beskrivelse Med sin Nattog til Lissabon har Pascal Mercier begejstret mange millioner læsere verden over. Her fortæller han historien om Lea: En kold dag i Provence. Adrian Herzog og Martin van Vliet møder hinanden på en café og finder ud af at de begge kommer fra Bern. Under deres fælles rejse i bil tilbage til Bern fortæller van Vliet om sin datter og hendes tragiske historie som har ført ham til Sydfrankrig. Alt sammen begyndte med hans kones død pludselig var han alene med sin datter Lea. Sorgen over morens død får hende til st trække sig tilbage fra verden Indtil hun en dag hører en gademusiker spille et violinstykke af Bach. Fra dette øjeblik er Leas højeste ønske selv at lære at spille violin. Van Vliet er lykkelig: endelig har hans datter genfundet livsglæde og håb. Inden længe viser hun sig at have en fuldkommen usædvanlig musikalsk begavelse. Men det bliver samtidig begyndelsen på en tragisk skæbne. Lea går fra succes til succes mens hendes far synker ned i en stadig dybere ensomhed. I et sidste fortvivlet forsøg på at genvinde sin datters kærlighed og nærhed vikles han ind i en forbrydelse som vil ruinere hans borgerlige tilværelse. Men det bliver heller ikke Lea forundt at nyde sin musikalske succes. Hendes formørkede sind får hende til slut til at foretagew en handling som ødelægger alt. Pascal Merciers roman handler dybest set om menneskers fremmedhed for hinanden og sætter spørgsmålstegn ved i hvilken udstrækning vi selv kan bestemme vores livsforløb. Igen lykkes det ham – ligesom i Nattog til Lissabon – at forbinde livsfilosofisk refleksion psykologisk indføling og virtuos fortællekunst til en enestående læseoplevelse.

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