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Billede af bogen Strategic Brand Management

Senest opdateret 26. august

Strategic Brand Management

Af Richard H. Elliott, Larry Percy, Simon Pervan

1. udgave fra 2011-03-10 på forlaget Oxford University Press, USA

ISBN: 01-9956-521-X

pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★

Strategic Brand Management, Second Edition, adopts an innovative socio-cultural perspective that provides students with an understanding of the dynamics of the field and enables them to engage with the issues that lie within. At the same time, the text also integrates more traditional notions of the brand in terms of equity and positioning. The wide experience of the author team--from consulting with industry leaders to teaching demanding MBA and executive development courses--has resulted in a text full of exciting ideas that are firmly grounded in managerial implications and applications. Building on a solid theoretical foundation, the authors also apply theory to examples throughout, helping students to understand the practical applications of brand management. By using a wealth of new and up-to-date illustrative examples and case material--including coverage of high-tech innovation--they have created a text that is both cutting-edge in terms of theory and also accessible to students.

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