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Senest opdateret 24. august

My Year of Meats

Af Ruth Ozeki

fra 2013 på forlaget Canongate Books Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-78211-114-6

Kategorier: Amerika/USA, Politik, Skønlitteratur, Sygdom/sundhed

pris: 130 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 323 gram

A cross-cultural tale of two women brought together by the intersections of television and industrial agriculture, fertility and motherhood, life and love, from the Booker-shortlisted author. In a single eye-opening year two women, worlds apart, experience parallel awakenings. In New York, Jane Takagi-Little lands a job producing a Japanese television show sponsored by an American meat-exporting business, exposing some unsavoury truths - about the meat industry and herself. In Tokyo, housewife Akiko Ueno diligently prepares the recipes from Jane's programme. Struggling to please her husband, she increasingly doubts her commitment to the life she has fallen into. As Jane and Akiko both battle to assert their individuality on opposite sides of the globe, they are drawn together in a startling story of strength, courage and love.

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