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  1. Billede af bogen An American life - The autobiography

    Senest opdateret 14. juli

    An American life - The autobiography

    Af Ronald Reagan

    fra 1990 på forlaget Simon and Schuster

    ISBN: SimonandSchuster

    Kategorier: Amerika/USA, Engelsk, Erindringer

    pris: 210 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    Vægt: 1300 gram

    An American life - The autobiography - 748 pages – Hardback- Smudsbind- Sprog: Engelsk - Is a work of major historical importance. Here, for the first time, in his own words, is the story of his life -pubic and private -told in a book that is both frank and compellingly readable. – Pris ex forsendelse -B1707 -01 -10270

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