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  1. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 1. november


    Af Roget,

    fra 1972 på forlaget Roydon

    ISBN: 0862881374

    Kategorier: Engelsk, Leksikon

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    Vægt: 1200 gram

    Fotografisk optryk af Forlags blank kart .bd - "500"s. ikke normale sidenumre, men 1. halvdel 2 spaltet med numre efter bogens systematik1-100 og 2.halvdel 5 spaltet alfabetisk index. Alt ialt med 443ooo ord. Peter MarkRoget. Enlarged by John Lewis Roget. > Nev ed. rev. &enlagged by Samuel Romilly Roget. Roget's Thesaurus is composed of six primary classes.[5] Each class is composed of multiple divisions and then sections. This may be conceptualized as a tree containing over a thousand branches for individual "meaning clusters" or semantically linked words. Although these words are not strictly synonyms, they can be viewed as colours or connotations of a meaning or as a spectrum of a concept.[citation needed] One of the most general words is chosen to typify the spectrum as its headword, which labels the whole group

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