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  1. Billede af bogen Nymph fishing in practice

    Senest opdateret 16. maj

    Nymph fishing in practice

    Af Oliver Kite

    fra 1963 på forlaget Barrie & Jenkins

    ISBN: 0-257-66124-7

    Kategori: Engelsk

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 410 gram

    Nymph fishing in practice – 191 sider – Hardback - Smudsbind - Sprog: Engelsk. Here, in one volume, is a comprehensive survej of every aspect of fishing for game fish with the artificial fly. Each of the contributors is an acknowledged authority on his particular subject,… Med Ex- libris. B2219 – 14 -10049 – Pris ex forsendelse

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