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  1. Billede af bogen Learning Go

    Senest opdateret 20. maj

    Learning Go

    Af Jon Bodner

    fra 2021 på forlaget O'Reilly Media

    ISBN: 14-9207-721-6

    pris: 240 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 534 gram

    Go is rapidly becoming the preferred language for building web services. There are plenty of tutorials available that teach Go's syntax to developers with experience in other programming languages. But tutorials aren't enough. They don't teach Go's idioms, so developers end up recreating patterns that don't make sense in a Go context. This practical guide provides the essential background you need to write clear and idiomatic Go. No matter your level of experience, you'll learn how to think like a Go developer. Author Jon Bodner reveals design patterns that experienced Go developers have adopted and the rationale for them. You'll learn how to structure your project and choose the proper tools and libraries to create successful software. Learn how to write idiomatic code in Go and design a Go project Understand the reasons for the design decisions in Go Set up a Go development environment for a solo developer or team Learn how and when to use reflection, unsafe, and CGo Learn how Go's features allow the language to run efficiently Know which Go features you should use sparingly, or not at all Learn the future of Go, including Generics

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