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  1. Billede af bogen Root, Nurture, Grow: The Essential Guide to Propagating and Sharing Houseplants

    Senest opdateret 20. maj

    Root, Nurture, Grow: The Essential Guide to Propagating and Sharing Houseplants

    Af Caro langton

    fra 2018 på forlaget Quadrille Publishing

    ISBN: 9781787132184

    Kategorier: Landbrug & gartneri, Natur

    pris: 95 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    Life with a potted plant is undeniably better. And better yet is the ability to grow and replicate new, healthy houseplants without ever having to visit a garden centre again. Learn to share, swap and celebrate the miraculous methods of multiplying all of your favourites at almost no cost at all. And here's the secret: it's really, really easy. Plants are designed to multiply. They spread their roots, send off inquisitive shoots, and regenerate themselves in all sorts of exciting and unexpected ways without any help. Even for the beginner indoor gardener, a single leaf can hold enough life to be successfully grown into a brand new plant. With Root, Nurture, Grow, you'll quickly discover how to propagate any houseplant, take cuttings, cultivate runners and offsets, divide plants at the roots and even grow brand new root systems in the air. You'll learn pruning methods that produce no waste, organic rooting medium recipes, and eventually enjoy gifting and swapping newly grown greenery with friends, family and other houseplant hoarders you'll meet along the way. As well as myriad propagation methods, the book includes practical DIY projects to better nurture and display your plant family, including a homemade propagation chamber and simple self-watering planters.

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