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  1. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 24. august

    The White Bone

    Af Barbara Gowdy

    fra 2000 på forlaget Flamingo

    ISBN: 978-0-00-729157-1

    Kategorier: Afrika, Skønlitteratur

    pris: 220 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 401 gram

    A thrilling journey into the minds of African elephants as they struggle to survive. If, as many recent nonfiction bestsellers have revealed, animals possess emotions and awareness, they must also have stories. In The White Bone, a novel imagined entirely from the perspective of African elephants, Barbara Gowdy creates a world whole and separate that yet illuminates our own. For years, young Mud and her family have roamed the high grasses, swamps, and deserts of the sub-Sahara. Now the earth is scorched by drought, and the mutilated bodies of family and friends lie scattered on the ground, shot down by ivory hunters. Nothing-not the once familiar terrain, or the age-old rhythms of life, or even memory itself-seems reliable anymore. Yet a slim prophecy of hope is passed on from water hole to water hole: the sacred white bone of legend will point the elephants toward the Safe Place. And so begins a quest through Africa's vast and perilous plains-until at last the survivors face a decisive trial of loyalty and courage. In The White Bone, Barbara Gowdy performs a feat of imagination virtually unparalleled in modern fiction. Plunged into an alien landscape, we orient ourselves in elephant time, elephant space, elephant consciousness and begin to feel, as Gowdy puts it, "what it would be like to be that big and gentle, to be that imperiled, and to have that prodigious memory."

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  2. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 30. juni

    Elefanternes lange rejse

    Af Gowdy, Barbara

    fra 2000 på forlaget Viva

    ISBN: 87-7942-002-8

    Kategori: Skønlitteratur

    pris: 95 kr – stand: ★★★★

    Hæftet med flapper. 276 sider. Sprog: Dansk. Originaltitel: "The white bone (1998)". På dansk ved Carsten Norton Pedersen. (1703-0265).

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