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Din søgning gav: 32 resultater
  1. Billede af bogen Calligraphy, Calligraph-art

    Senest opdateret 20. maj

    Calligraphy, Calligraph-art

    Af M. Athar Tahir

    fra 2002 på forlaget Mahmood Kamboh Printer

    pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★

    Vægt: 1065 gram

    Titel Calligraphy & Calligraph-art Forfatter M. Athar Tahir Bidragydere Pakistan Calligraph-artists' Guild, Unesco Udgiver UNESCO, 2002 Længde 104 sider

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  2. Billede af bogen Value Proposition Design

    Senest opdateret 20. maj

    Value Proposition Design

    Af Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Gregory Bernarda, Alan Smith

    1. udgave fra 2014 på forlaget John Wiley & Sons

    Oplag: 2

    ISBN: 11-1896-805-5

    pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★

    Vægt: 857 gram

    The authors of the international bestseller Business Model Generation explain how to create value propositions customers can’t resist Value Proposition Design helps you tackle the core challenge of every business — creating compelling products and services customers want to buy. This highly practical book, paired with its online companion, will teach you the processes and tools you need to create products that sell. Using the same stunning visual format as the authors’ global bestseller, Business Model Generation, this sequel explains how to use the “Value Proposition Canvas” to design, test, create, and manage products and services customers actually want. Value Proposition Design is for anyone who has been frustrated by new product meetings based on hunches and intuitions; it’s for anyone who has watched an expensive new product launch fail in the market. The book will help you understand the patterns of great value propositions, get closer to customers, and avoid wasting time with ideas that won’t work. You’ll learn the simple process of designing and testing value propositions, that perfectly match customers’ needs and desires. In addition the book gives you exclusive access to an online companion on Strategyzer.com. You will be able to assess your work, learn from peers, and download pdfs, checklists, and more. Value Proposition Design is an essential companion to the ”Business Model Canvas” from Business Model Generation, a tool embraced globally by startups and large corporations such as MasterCard, 3M, Coca Cola, GE, Fujitsu, LEGO, Colgate-Palmolive, and many more. Value Proposition Design gives you a proven methodology for success, with value propositions that sell, embedded in profitable business models."

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