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Din søgning gav: 181 resultater
  1. Billede af bogen Last Man Standing

    Senest opdateret 27. april

    Last Man Standing

    Af Norman Collins, Richard Van Emden

    fra 2002 på forlaget Leo Cooper Books

    ISBN: 08-5052-863-1

    Kategori: Første verdenskrig

    pris: 140 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    After witnessing the infamous German naval bombardment at Hartlepool which resulted in 700 deaths and injuries, Norman Collins joined the Seaforth Highlanders in 51st Highland Division while under age. He fought at Beaumont Hamel, was wounded soon after and returned for the Battle of Arras. At Passchendaele he was severely wounded and suffered battle fatigue. Norman had an unusually detailed collection of letters, documents, illustrations and photographs which the author has drawn on extensively and the result is a marvellously moving biography of a very special veteran who lived to be 100. 208 pages, Illustrated, hard cover, fine with dust jacket

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  2. Billede af bogen Last Man Standing

    Senest opdateret 27. april

    Last Man Standing

    Af Norman Collins, Richard Van Emden

    fra 2002 på forlaget Leo Cooper Books

    ISBN: 08-5052-863-1

    Kategori: Første verdenskrig

    pris: 140 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    After witnessing the infamous German naval bombardment at Hartlepool which resulted in 700 deaths and injuries, Norman Collins joined the Seaforth Highlanders in 51st Highland Division while under age. He fought at Beaumont Hamel, was wounded soon after and returned for the Battle of Arras. At Passchendaele he was severely wounded and suffered battle fatigue. Norman had an unusually detailed collection of letters, documents, illustrations and photographs which the author has drawn on extensively and the result is a marvellously moving biography of a very special veteran who lived to be 100. 208 pages, Illustrated, hard cover, fine with dust jacket

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  3. Billede af bogen The Tactical Employment of Machine Guns and Tanks in the First World War

    Senest opdateret 22. april

    The Tactical Employment of Machine Guns and Tanks in the First World War

    Af Shaun Corkerry

    fra 2002 på forlaget The Military Press, 2002

    ISBN: 08-5420-307-9

    Kategori: Første verdenskrig

    pris: 220 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    The Employment of Machine Guns: the Tactical Employment of Lewis Guns; Tanks and Their Employment with Other Arms. viii + ii + 58 + i + 32 + ii + 25 pages, soft cover, 4to.

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  4. Billede af bogen The Wolf

    Senest opdateret 19. april

    The Wolf

    Af Richard Guilliatt, Peter Hohnen

    fra 2009 på forlaget Random House

    Kategori: Første verdenskrig

    pris: 140 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    How One German Raider Terrorised Australia And The Southern Oceans In the World War. 366 pages, Illustrated, hard cover, fine, with dust jacket

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  5. Billede af bogen The RFC/RNAS Handbook, 1914-1918

    Senest opdateret 19. april

    The RFC/RNAS Handbook, 1914-1918

    Af Peter G. Cooksley

    fra 2000 på forlaget Sutton Publishing

    Kategori: Første verdenskrig

    pris: 160 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    208 pages, Illustrated, hard cover, fine with dust jacket

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  6. Billede af bogen Great War in West Africa

    Senest opdateret 14. april

    Great War in West Africa

    Af E. Howard. Gorges

    fra 2005-02-01 på forlaget The Naval & Military Press

    ISBN: 18-4574-115-3

    Kategorier: Afrika, Første verdenskrig

    pris: 110 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    The campaign in West Africa during the Great War is overshadowed by the more famous fight agains the elusive German genius of guerilla warfare, Gen. von Lettow-Vorbeck in East Africa. This account by the British Commander in West Africa, redresses the balance. Gorges describes the Anglo-French invasion and occupation of Togoland, Germany s west African colony, and the more difficult and protracted operations against the German Cameroons - on land, as well as at sea. It took the Allies until January 1916 to eliminate German resistance and chase the remaining German forces into neutral territory. Profusely illustrated with maps, 191 photographs , and four appendices listing officers serving, orders of battle etc. 284 pages, Illustrated, soft cover

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  7. Billede af bogen Military Operations, Togoland and the Cameroons, 1918

    Senest opdateret 14. april

    Military Operations, Togoland and the Cameroons, 1918

    Af F. J. Moberly

    fra 1995-12 på forlaget Imperial War Museum, 1995

    ISBN: 08-9839-235-7

    Kategorier: Afrika, Første verdenskrig

    pris: 145 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    469 pages, with maps, illustrated, hard cover, fine

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  8. Billede af bogen Første Verdenskrig

    Senest opdateret 9. april

    Første Verdenskrig

    Af Hew Strachan

    fra 2014Informations Forlag

    ISBN: 87-7514-430-1

    Kategori: Første verdenskrig

    pris: 120 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Hardback bind incl. smudsbind, fin og velholdt stand. 406 sider.

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  9. Billede af bogen ANZAC Infantryman 1914–15

    Senest opdateret 6. april

    ANZAC Infantryman 1914–15

    Af Ian Sumner

    fra 2011-05-24 på forlaget Osprey Publishing

    ISBN: 18-4908-328-2

    Kategori: Første verdenskrig

    pris: 100 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    This title explores the recruitment, training, and combat experiences of the famous ANZAC infantry in the opening years of World War I (1914-1918). Worried about the growing power of Japan and the German Far Eastern colonies, Australia and New Zealand had both introduced conscription in 1912. When war broke out in 1914, the men already in the system provided a small nucleus of trained soldiers, but at least half of those who went on to serve abroad had no previous military experience. Australians rushed to the colors even before their government had formally offered troops to Britain. Some initial training was undertaken in Australia, but most of the work had to be done when the AIF reached Egypt. Although the Anzacs were expecting to go on to France, little use was made of the experience of men who had already served on the Western Front. The decision to employ the Anzacs in the very different theatre of Gallipoli came as a complete surprise. The events at the Anzac and Suvla beach-heads have acquired an almost legendary status. In combat, the ANZACs responded with great discipline and a bravery that sometimes bordered on recklessness. This book takes a close look at day-to-day life in the trenches of Gallipoli. The terrain was hard and stony, making the construction of trenches difficult. Water was constantly in short supply, and the rear areas remained well within the range of Turkish artillery. It also explores how the wounded were treated, the effects of disease in the crowded beach-head, and of weather-related complaints such as frostbite, which hospitalized many men. The experience of Gallipoli had a profound effect on those who survived, imbuing the ANZACs with an esprit de corps that characterized their superlative performance in France. Indeed it continues to mark the psyche of the two nations down to the present day.

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  10. Billede af bogen The Australian Army in World War I

    Senest opdateret 6. april

    The Australian Army in World War I

    Af Robert Fleming

    fra 2012-06-19 på forlaget Osprey Publishing

    ISBN: 18-4908-632-X

    Kategori: Første verdenskrig

    pris: 95 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    The Australian contribution to the Allied war effort during World War I is worthy of celebration. Some 400,000 Australians volunteered for active duty, an astonishing 13 per cent of the entire (white) male population, a number so great that the Australian government was never forced to rely on conscription. Casualties were an astonishing 52 per cent of all those who served, ensuring that the effects of the war would be felt long after the armistice. In particular, their epic endeavours at Gallipoli in 1915 became the nation's founding legend, and the ANZACs went on to distinguish themselves both on the Western Front, and in General Allenby's great cavalry campaign against the Turks in the Middle East. Their uniforms and insignia were also significantly different from those of the British Army and will provide the inspiration for a unique set of artwork plates.

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