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  1. Billede af bogen Qualitative Text Analysis

    Senest opdateret 7. marts

    Qualitative Text Analysis

    Af Udo Kuckartz

    fra 2014-02-06 på forlaget SAGE Publications Limited

    ISBN: 14-4626-775-X

    Kategorier: Faglitteratur, Studiebøger

    pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★

    OBS: Der er orange overstregninger i nogle af bogens kapitler. Ellers er bogen i god stand. How can you analyse narratives, interviews, field notes, or focus group data? Qualitative text analysis is ideal for these types of data and this textbook provides a hands-on introduction to the method and its theoretical underpinnings. It offers step-by-step instructions for implementing the three principal types of qualitative text analysis: thematic, evaluative, and type-building. Special attention is paid to how to present your results and use qualitative data analysis software packages, which are highly recommended for use in combination with qualitative text analysis since they allow for fast, reliable, and more accurate analysis. The book shows in detail how to use software, from transcribing the verbal data to presenting and visualizing the results. The book is intended for Master’s and Doctoral students across the social sciences and for all researchers concerned with the systematic analysis of texts of any kind.

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