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  1. Billede af bogen The Science of Marijuana

    Senest opdateret 29. september

    The Science of Marijuana

    Af Leslie L. Iversen

    fra 2000 på forlaget Oxford University Press

    ISBN: 0-19-513123-1

    Kategorier: Botanik, Engelsk

    pris: 175 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 700 gram

    The Science of Marijuana -283 sider – Hardback - Smudsbind - Sprog: Engelsk –Right illustreret i s/h.. The author explains the remarkable advances that have been made in scientific research on cannabis with the discovery of specific receptors and the existence of naturally occurring cannabis-like substances in the brain. The book also gives an objective and up-to-date assessment of the scientific basis and what risks this may entail. - Pris ex forsendelse -B1737 - 20- 11068

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