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Senest opdateret 6. august

Richardson Paper. Contributed to the Bulletin of Tibetology (1965-1992)

Af Hugh Richardson

1. udgave fra 1993 på forlaget Sikkim Shri Institute of Tibetology

Oplag: 1

Kategorier: Asien - Oceanien, Folkeslag, Historie:Verden, Historie:Kultur, Religion

pris: 155 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

Vægt: 450 gram

Index:Bibliography, How old was Srong-brtsan-sgam-po?, A Fragment from Tun Huang, Names and Titles in Early Tibetean Records, A Tibetan Antiquarian in the XVIIIth Century, Further Fragments from Tunhuang, Ming-si-lie and the Fish-Bag, Phallic Symbols in Tibet, General Huang Mu-Sung at Lhasa 1934, A Scandal at Tashilhunpo, Kim Sheng Kong Co : Fact and Fiction (Aspects of Buddhism, SRITOBS 1981, Memories of Tshurpu, Tibetean Lamas in Western Eyes, Chos-dbyings-rdo-rje the tenth Black Hat Karmapa, Early Tibetean Inscriptions: Some recent discoveries, More Early Inscribtions from Tibet, The Origion of the Tibetean Kingdom, Early Tibetean Law Concerning Dog-Bite, Mention of Tibetean Kings in some Documents from Tunhuang. xiii+169 sider, paperback i rigtig fin stand.

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