Søg efter bog

Din søgning gav: 15 resultater
  1. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 18. april

    The history of the Faroe Islands, 1709-1816. Vol. I: 1709-1723

    Af John F. West

    1. udgave fra 1985 på forlaget C.A. Reitzel

    ISBN: 8774214756

    Kategori: Historie:Danmark

    pris: 110 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 450 gram

    Udgivet af Björn Hagstróm og Agnete Loth. Færoensia Textus & Investigationes vol. 13

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  2. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 12. marts

    The stanley expedition

    Af John F. West

    1. udgave fra 1970 på forlaget Føroya Frödskaparfelag, Torshavn

    Kategori: Historie:Verden

    pris: 520 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    The journals of the standley expedition to the faroe islands and iceland in 1789. Bind 1: Dairy of James Wright Bind 2: Dairy of Issac S. benners Bind 3: Dairy of James Baine Meget sjælden til salg, samlerobjekt, billeder af værket kan sendes

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  3. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 7. marts

    The history of the Faroe Islands, 1709-1816. Vol. I: 1709-1723

    Af John F. West

    1. udgave fra 1985 på forlaget C.A. Reitzel

    Kategori: Historie:Danmark

    pris: 110 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 450 gram

    Udgivet af Björn Hagstróm og Agnete Loth. Færoensia Textus & Investigationes vol. 13

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  4. Billede af bogen The Oxford Dictionary of OPERA

    Senest opdateret 1. april

    The Oxford Dictionary of OPERA

    Af John Warrack and Ewan West

    1. udgave fra 1997 på forlaget Oxford University Press

    Oplag: 7.

    ISBN: 0-19-869164-5

    Kategorier: Humaniora, Leksikon, Musik

    pris: 60 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    Vægt: 1194 gram

    som ny, men på omslagets inderside et pænt overdækket navnestempel. Indbundet med smudsomslag.

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  5. Billede af bogen Professional Sitecore Development

    Senest opdateret 30. marts

    Professional Sitecore Development

    Af John West

    1. udgave fra 2012-05-29 på forlaget John Wiley & Sons

    ISBN: 04-7093-901-X

    pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★★

    Vægt: 8424 gram

    Provides information on creating a Sitecore website, covering such topics as information architecture, security, error management, automated testing, and CMS.

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  6. Billede af bogen Dansk Kvinde i Dag. Et Værk om Kvinders Indsats i Dansk Politik, Erhvervsliv og Kultur.

    Senest opdateret 29. maj

    Dansk Kvinde i Dag. Et Værk om Kvinders Indsats i Dansk Politik, Erhvervsliv og Kultur.

    Af Aller, Vita (under Redaktion af). I Redaktionskomiteen: Fuldmægtig Anna Westergaard, Cand.Mag. Aagot Lading, Byretsdommer Karen Johnsen, Magister Ulla Albeck, Gymnastikpædagog Ellen Paul-Petersen, Cand. Jur. Vera Skalts, Cand. Mag. Ellen Nielsen, Filmcensor Cand. Mag. Bodil Begstrup, Tandlæge Hedvig Strömgren

    1. udgave fra 1942Jespersen og Pios Forlag, København (u.å.)

    Kategorier: Historie:Danmark, Kunst & kultur, Ledelse & Management, Politik, Samfund & historie

    pris: 420 kr – stand: ★★★★

    Vægt: 1089 gram

    335 sider. Orig. heftet m. tråd. Illustr. s/h. fotos. Kvinderne i dag; Sammenhold og Samarbejde; Kvinderne og Skolen; Kvindelige Akademikere; Kvinderne i Erhvervslivet;...i Kunsten;..i Sport; ..i socialt Arbejde; Navne vi Minder; Dagens Navne. Slid og rifter på omslag. Navn. Understregninger..Samling (HRN)

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  7. Billede af bogen Why Do People: Take Drugs?,  Live on the Streets? Drink Alcohol? & Join Gangs? (4 bøger)

    Senest opdateret 30. april

    Why Do People: Take Drugs?, Live on the Streets? Drink Alcohol? & Join Gangs? (4 bøger)

    Af Af Patsy Westcott, Julie Johnson, Kaye Stearman

    fra 2000 på forlaget Wayland

    ISBN: 07-5022-757-5

    Kategorier: Antropologi, Engelsk, Krop & sind, Sundhed

    pris: 140 kr – stand: ★★★★

    Vægt: 1386 gram

    Language: English Hardcover. 1) Why Do People Take Drugs?, Patsy Westcott. Written for nine to 12-year-olds, this book examines why young people take substances that can be dangerous. The book is aimed at stimulating classroom discussion and gives children the information they need to form their own opinions. Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-756-7 2) Why Do People Live on the Streets?, Kaye Stearman Written for nine to 12 year olds, this book examines how homeless people survive around the world. The author presents possible solutions to the problem and presents the facts in a manner that allows children form their own opinions. Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-757-5 3) Why Do People Drink Alcohol?, Julie Johnson This book helps to answer questions about alcohol. It offers clear, no-nonsense information about all kinds of alcoholic drinks. It describes the effects of drinking and how it makes people feel and act. And it gives different people's opinion on the subject, including doctors.Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-760-5 4) Why Do People Join Gangs?, Julie Johnson This book gives clear, no-nonsense information about gangs and the people who join them. It also includes quotes from current and ex-gang members showing the pros and cons of gang life. It explores issues such as bullying and peer pressure while also showing the good sides of being one of the gang. Publisher: Wayland, 2001 ISBN: 07-5022-761-3 Weight: 1386 gram

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  8. Billede af bogen Why Do People: Take Drugs?,  Join Gangs? &  Live on the Streets? (3 bøger)

    Senest opdateret 30. april

    Why Do People: Take Drugs?, Join Gangs? & Live on the Streets? (3 bøger)

    Af Patsy Westcott, Julie Johnson, Kaye Stearman

    fra 2000 på forlaget Wayland

    ISBN: 07-5022-756-7

    Kategorier: Engelsk, Krop & sind, Sundhed

    pris: 110 kr – stand: ★★★★

    Vægt: 1034 gram

    Language: English Hardcover. 1) Why Do People Take Drugs?, Patsy Westcott. Written for nine to 12-year-olds, this book examines why young people take substances that can be dangerous. The book is aimed at stimulating classroom discussion and gives children the information they need to form their own opinions. Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-756-7 2) Why Do People Join Gangs?, Julie Johnson This book gives clear, no-nonsense information about gangs and the people who join them. It also includes quotes from current and ex-gang members showing the pros and cons of gang life. It explores issues such as bullying and peer pressure while also showing the good sides of being one of the gang. Publisher: Wayland, 2001 ISBN: 07-5022-761-3 3) Why Do People Live on the Streets?, Kaye Stearman Written for nine to 12 year olds, this book examines how homeless people survive around the world. The author presents possible solutions to the problem and presents the facts in a manner that allows children form their own opinions. Publisher: Wayland, 2000 ISBN: 07-5022-757-5 Weight: 1034 gram

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  9. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 26. marts

    "En maribonit i amerikansk krigstjeneste"

    Af John Westh Henriksen

    fra 1982Eget Forlag

    Kategori: Øvrige

    pris: 95 kr – stand: ★★★★

    Indbinding: Hæftet
    Illustreret sort/hvid.

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  10. Intet billede af bogen

    Senest opdateret 30. maj

    Havets pirater

    Af Westerman, John F. C.

    fra 1937 på forlaget Gyldendal

    Kategori: Øvrige

    pris: 70 kr

    Sideantal: 76
    Sprog: Dansk Indbinding: Kartonbind. Tilstand: Slidt eksemplar. ryg sidder løs

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