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  1. Billede af bogen Android Game Programming For Dummies

    Senest opdateret 30. marts

    Android Game Programming For Dummies

    Af Derek James

    fra 2012-11-30 på forlaget John Wiley & Sons

    ISBN: 11-1823-599-1

    pris: 70 kr – stand: ★★★★★★

    Vægt: 1458 gram

    Learn how to create great games for Android phones Android phones are rapidly gaining market share, nudging the iPhone out of the top spot. Games are the most frequently downloaded apps in the Android market, and users are willing to pay for them. Game programming can be challenging, but this step-by-step guide explains the process in easily understood terms. A companion Web site offers all the programming examples for download. Presents tricky game programming topics--animation, battery conservation, touch screen input, and adaptive interface issues--in the straightforward, easy-to-follow For Dummies fashion Explains how to avoid pitfalls and create fun games based on best programming practices for mobile devices A companion web site includes all programming examples If you have some programming knowledge, Android Game Programming For Dummies will have you creating cool games for the Android platform quickly and easily.

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